Sunday, August 17, 2008

One Man's Junk Is Another Man's Treasure...

My sister and I had a lot of "stuff" or junk as our husbands would say. And Valerie & I knew we wanted to have a garage sale. I had taken a few of my things to a friends house here where we live to add to their garage sale and made $46. Not too bad, for as little as I had over there.

Well, I still had a few things and lets just say Valerie had a lot of things...

(just kidding, fake photo) and so we tried to come up with a time/place to have a sale where she lives. So, we conned Molly (and Dan), my sister's sister-in-law, into having one at her house. Three 6 kids, lots of "stuff" and 3 days of "bliss", right? No, really I had a lot of fun and hadn't spent time with Molly for a long time.

I only made $25 at this sale (it cost me more in gas to get there). But, the time spent and the fun we had is irreplacable. I love hanging out with my sister, of course, and really enjoyed spending time getting to re-know Molly. All of the kids together were a little crazy, but by the end of it I was Aunt Jocey to Molly's kids and she is still Aunt Molly to Trey.

I thought the kids might enjoy a Lemonade Stand so we got one going. (I think they sold 1 cup of lemonade, poor things.)

Emerson, Trey, Aubreigh, & Hayden

(Not pictured are AJ and Todd)

Anyway, my sister made a killing compared to Molly & I. I think she made well over $200. She stinks! Thanks again Molly & Dan for letting us hang out and use your garage!!


Val said...

Jocelyn~The time that we got to spend together was great. I had so much fun (except for Saturday of course). I love you more than you could ever know and I couldn't have created a better sister for myself than the one God created for me. Love you Val

Sue G said...

Hello. I read your comment on CF Husband's blog and something directed me to your blog. I have read all of your entries and just want to tell you that your circumstances and the faith with which you handle them are examples to the world for Christ...for believing in Him...for knowing that something much bigger than the circumstance is taking place. What your family has been through is unconscionable but what you are doing with it is exemplary, teaching the world that there is NO circumstance that cannot be transformed when God is allowed control.

I am sorry you had to lose a dear friend over this. It seems to me that if I, a perfect stranger, can 'see' your heart, certainly a good friend should have been able to do so and trust you. I look at situations like that and tell myself that God is 'weeding' out any negative energy or issues in my life. So instead of mourning, praise Him for His wisdom and for the fact that nothing, absolutely nothing, could cause HIM to turn away from YOU!

I look forward to reading more about your family and about the many victories I am confident you will share.